Thursday, September 30, 2010


Ok so I was walking down the hallway when I saw Mrs.Tyleman talking to a student i'm guessing from 7b class or something so I walked up to her and ask'ed her a sceince question n' she gave me the answer on the piece of paper...soo i took the paper and i was looking at the answer that i randomly asked when suddenly i bumped into that Albanian guy again...i forgot his name..LOL...anyways i kept walking when my friend well literally she's not actually my friend shes a bully and no i well not tell you who she is...all that i can tell you is that she's a 8th love with this albanian guy wich is a 7th grader...making a drama that i'm dating that guy?!?
Now she's all jelouse of me...first of all if i bumped into this guy doesn't mean i'm dating him lol....& second i dont even know him soo that doesn't make ANY sense me dating that guy! she's soo anoying... i hate jelouse people..i'm not saying if i knew this guy and hugged and all...i'd understand her..but seriously bumping!?!
wow...i can't belive she sank that low...all jeloused bc i bumped into him...wth? if she makes a drama out of that what would she say if i kissed him..that i'm engaged to him!?