- Hey there whoever is readiny my blog lol,how's it going and stuuff like that ? :D
Anyways I bet it's pretty awsome (: . My next blog-story is about my day I had today.
So,first I had music and french wich I mostly dislike both even though I love french I never knew I would go to through this pain called 'studying' it & somehow that's the class I always forget half of my stuff hahaha :)
Than it was recess and I went outside quickly because Mr.Federico is like come on'slow poke don't want me to get you in trouble with math the next two periods and I'm like okay??
Than I went outside looking for Jasmina and Taylor buut than I mostly at first saw Shania and than Jasmina buut no Taylor,I guess she was sick? xx
Anywho after the recess I had double trouble that is double math!
maan,that it soo my least favourite subject of 'em all. :S
Than it was luunch time and I was sitting next to Jon and Jasmina :D
Javeria was throwing some kind of alumium foil paper wich I ended up trashing and she was like I had my food in it and was like suure like seriously I know she didn't have her freakin'sandwich in it.
After that I had double english watching this movie with an old grandmother who is 102 yr.old names Jane Pittman who was in slavery and got away cause the presidant abraham lincoln gave them their freedom :)
because the south people named yanky's won the civil war ( I think lol,)
after that I had health with Mrs.McDonald in the west gym.
Maan,It sucked! ): Health keeps getting worse . Cause most of the stuff I don't understand and I kinda get shy to ask them what it means and than I end up failing :S
& last but not least I went home with a girl I know her names ( Marlyin ) and is 10 yrs.old.
and that's my story of ma day! ROFL! <3
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